TSP Name: Adelphia Gateway
TSP: 081273189
Transactional Reporting - Detail
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General Information
Transportation Service Provider Name Adelphia Gateway
Transportation Service Provider 081273189
Posting Type Capacity Release
Amendment Reporting C
Contract Status N
Contract Holder Name Calpine Energy Services LP
Contract Holder 169668212 
Affiliate Indicator NONE
Offer Number 59
Releaser Name South Jersey Gas Company
Releaser 051409605
Posting Date July 15, 2024
Posting Time 10:01 AM
Allowable Re-release Indicator Y
Business Day Indicator
IBR Index-Based Capacity Release Indicator N
Permanent Release Indicator 2
Prearranged Deal Indicator 1
Previously Released Indicator 2
Recall/Reput Indicator NO
Recall/Reput Terms This offer is recallable for admin purposes
Right to Amend Primary Points Indicator NO
Right to Amend Primary Points Terms
Market-Based Rate Indicator N
Contract Information
Service Requester Contract CRL-CAL-0051
Releaser Contract Number FTS-SJG-0028
Contract Begin Date July 16, 2024
Contract End Date July 16, 2024
Contract Entitlement Begin Date July 16, 2024
Contract Entitlement Begin Time 09:00 AM
Contract Entitlement End Date July 17, 2024
Contract Entitlement End Time 09:00 AM
Seasonal Start Date
Seasonal End Date
Rate Form/Type Code
Reservation Rate Basis MO
Contractual Quantity - Contract 15,000
Location/Quantity Type Indicator 3
Rate Schedule FTS
Rate Reporting Level K
Surcharge Indicator 6
Surcharge Identification Code ACA
Total Surcharges
Replacement Shipper Role Indicator OTH
Storage Inventory-Conditioned Release Indicator N
Recall Notification Period Indicator - Timely Y
Recall Notification Period Indicator - Early Evening Y
Recall Notification Period Indicator - Evening Y
Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 1 Y
Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 2 Y
Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 3 Y
Rate 1
Rate Identification Code COM
Rate Charged - Non-IBR 0.003
Maximum Tariff Rate 0
Maximum Tariff Rate Reference T
Discount Begin Date July 16, 2024
Discount End Date July 16, 2024
Surcharge Identification Code ACA
Location 1
Location Name Tetco West Rockhill
Location West Rockhill
Location Purpose MQ
Location Zone 3
Contractual Quantity - Location 15,000
Location 2
Location Name Transco Ridge
Location West Ridge
Location Purpose M2
Location Zone 3
Contractual Quantity - Location 15,000
Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes
Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes - AMA Obligations
Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes - Storage Inventory Conditions