Honeoye Storage Corporation ("Honeoye") operates an independent gas storage facility located in the lush, rolling hills of Ontario County, NY, about 30 miles south of Rochester. Honeoye Lake, one of the renowned Finger Lakes, borders the field on the West. Canandaigua Lake is to the east. (See Maps) |
Interconnection |
Honeoye interconnects with Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) at TGP’s mainline valve #236 location. Valve #236 is on TGP’s 200 line, Zone 5 approximately 85 miles east of Buffalo, NY, 20 miles south of Rochester, NY and 75 miles west of Syracuse, NY. |
Honeoye is strategically located approximately 5 miles to the west of the TGP/Empire Pipeline interconnection. |
History |
Honeoye began operations in 1975 with a FERC certificate and 20-year storage contracts with the three major New York City utilities, Con Edison, Brooklyn Union and Long Island Lighting. Storage service was expanded in 1980 when the field pressure was increased. Boston Gas and Energy North were added to the list of key customers. The contracts became evergreen in 1995 under annual renewal options. Long Island Lighting terminated its contract in 1997 before the merger with Brooklyn Union and was replaced by ProMark Energy and Providence Gas. |
When Providence and ProMark terminated their contracts Honeoye sought and received authorization from FERC (Docket Nos CP-93-000, 94-000 and 95-000) to expand the field further by increasing operating pressures. In 2000 FERC also authorized Honeoye to market both the expanded capacity and the former Providence capacity on open access, market-based rate basis. |
Operational Overview |
The storage field, a Medina age reservoir found at a depth of 2750 feet, covers an area that is about 7 miles east-west and 4 miles north-south, There are 25 operating wells, 13 observation wells, 17 miles of storage/transmission lines, 2800 hp of compression and a 10.5 mile transmission pipeline running north to the TGP interconnection (Maps). |
Current operations are owned by Con Edison Transmission (CET) and Con Edison Company of New York (CECONY) |
Available Forms of Service: |
| Maximum Quantity Stored (MQS) MDth | Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity (MDWQ) Dth/D | Cost of Service (“Part 157”) | 4292.4 | 35,780 | Market-Based Rates (“Part 284”) | 1656.0 | 16,220 |
Our storage capabilities and convenient location allow us to provide natural gas storage to public utilities, gas suppliers, and gas marketers. We offer customizable Park and Loan options along with Firm and Priority Non-Firm storage contracts as they become available. |
Become One of Our Valued Customers |
We pride ourselves on our ability to offer a professional, friendly, and individualized service to each of our customers and we’d appreciate the opportunity to chat more about how Honeoye Storage Corporation can meet and exceed your natural gas storage needs. |
Other benefits of contracting for storage service with Honeoye are many: |
- Work with friendly, professional people who are looking for better ways to meet your needs.
- Indirect access to key demand centers in NYC, New England and other regional demand
- State of the art equipment providing safe, reliable, and gas of the highest quality.
- Emission reducing procedures and practices, technology, and equipment