TSP Name: Arkoma Connector Pipeline
TSP: 830730599
Transactional Reporting - Detail
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General Information
Transportation Service Provider Name Arkoma Connector Pipeline
Transportation Service Provider 830730599
Posting Type Interruptible
Amendment Reporting Description All Data
Contract Status Description Amended
Contract Holder Name Energy Financial and Physical, LP
Contract Holder 079254304
Affiliate Indicator Description None
Posting Date December 21, 2023
Posting Time 02:46 PM
Market-Based Rate Indicator No
Contract Information
Service Requester Contract IT1-EFP-0031
Interruptible Quantity - Contract 0
Location Indicator Description All Locations
Location/Quantity Type Indicator Description Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity
Rate Schedule IT1
Rate Reporting Level Description Contract
Surcharge Indicator Description Rate(s) stated do not include any applicable surcharges; surcharge detail provided; no surcharge total provided
Surcharge Identification Code Description Annual Charge Adjustment
Total Surcharges
Rate 1
Rate Identification Code Description Commodity
Rate Charged Reference Description Tariff
Rate Charged 0.1198
Maximum Tariff Rate 0.1198
Maximum Tariff Rate Reference Description Tariff
Surcharge Identification Code Description Annual Charge Adjustment
Location 1
Location Name All
Location 0
Location Purpose Description Delivery Location
Location Zone N/A
Interruptible Quantity - Location 0
Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes