To Search for a Word or Phrase Using Your Browser:

To look for a word or phrase within a page you are viewing, click on Edit on the menu bar, then click on Find. Type in the word or phrase you are looking for and click on Find Next. The Find function will find each successive occurrence of the word or phrase you are looking for each time you click on Find Next.

To Search for a Word or Phrase Using Adobe Acrobat Reader:

To look for a word or phrase within a PDF you are viewing, enter the text you are looking for in the textbox with "Find" in it at the top of the window then hit the "Enter" key. You can then use the "Right Arrow" and "Left Arrow" to the right of that textbox to move forward and backward through the document to each instance of the word or phrase you are looking for.

Tariff Search Links:

Implementation Procedures

Information Disclosure

Job Titles & Descriptions

Potential Mergers

Shared Facilities