TSP Name: Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC
TSP: 790550920
Transactional Reporting - Detail
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General Information
Transportation Service Provider Name Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC
Transportation Service Provider 790550920
Posting Type Firm
Amendment Reporting A
Contract Status N
Contract Holder Name Tennessee Valley Authority
Contract Holder 001883032
Affiliate Indicator NONE
Posting Date April 30, 2024
Posting Time 02:44 PM
Market-Based Rate Indicator Y
Contract Information
Service Requester Contract TVA02664FWS
Contract Begin Date May 1, 2024
Contract End Date April 30, 2027
Contract Entitlement Begin Date May 1, 2024
Contract Entitlement Begin Time 09:00 AM
Contract Entitlement End Date May 1, 2027
Contract Entitlement End Time 09:00 AM
Seasonal Start Date
Seasonal End Date
Rate Form/Type Code 3
Reservation Rate Basis MO
Contractual Quantity - Contract 50,000
Location/Quantity Type Indicator 6
Rate Schedule FWS
Rate Reporting Level K
Surcharge Indicator 1
Total Surcharges
Monthly Storage Rate 1
Negotiated Rate Indicator N
Rate Identification Code 113
Rate Charged Reference TAR
Maximum Tariff Rate N/A
Maximum Tariff Rate Reference N
Rate Effective Date May 1, 2024
Rate End Date April 30, 2027
Surcharge Identification Code
Rate Charged 0.15
Negotiated Rate Indicator N
Rate Identification Code COM
Rate Charged Reference TAR
Maximum Tariff Rate N/A
Maximum Tariff Rate Reference N
Surcharge Identification Code
Rate Charged - (All locations) 0.02
Location 1
Location Name Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub
Location 111111111
Location Purpose M2
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 2
Location Name Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub
Location 111111111
Location Purpose MQ
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 3
Location Name Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L
Location 421061
Location Purpose M2
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 4
Location Name Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L
Location 421061
Location Purpose MQ
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 5
Location Name TETCO M1 30
Location 75578
Location Purpose M2
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 6
Location Name TETCO M1 30
Location 75578
Location Purpose MQ
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes
100,000 MDTQ, MDRQ and MDDQ effective 11/01/2026 through remainder of term.