TSP Name: Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC
TSP: 790550920
Transactional Reporting - Detail
Show Codes Only
General Information
Transportation Service Provider Name Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC
Transportation Service Provider 790550920
Posting Type Firm
Amendment Reporting Description All Data
Contract Status Description New
Contract Holder Name Tennessee Valley Authority
Contract Holder 001883032
Affiliate Indicator Description None
Posting Date April 30, 2024
Posting Time 02:44 PM
Market-Based Rate Indicator Yes
Contract Information
Service Requester Contract TVA02664FWS
Contract Begin Date May 1, 2024
Contract End Date April 30, 2027
Contract Entitlement Begin Date May 1, 2024
Contract Entitlement Begin Time 09:00 AM
Contract Entitlement End Date May 1, 2027
Contract Entitlement End Time 09:00 AM
Seasonal Start Date
Seasonal End Date
Rate Form/Type Code Description Blended rate (combination of reservation and volumetric charges)
Reservation Rate Basis Description Per month
Contractual Quantity - Contract 50,000
Location/Quantity Type Indicator Description Storage quantity
Rate Schedule FWS
Rate Reporting Level Description Contract
Surcharge Indicator Description Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; no surcharge detail or surcharge total provided
Total Surcharges
Monthly Storage Rate 1
Negotiated Rate Indicator Description No
Rate Identification Code Description Storage Volumetric - Space Charge
Rate Charged Reference Description Tariff
Maximum Tariff Rate N/A
Maximum Tariff Rate Reference Description Not Applicable
Rate Effective Date May 1, 2024
Rate End Date April 30, 2027
Surcharge Identification Code Description
Rate Charged 0.15
Negotiated Rate Indicator Description No
Rate Identification Code Description Commodity
Rate Charged Reference Description Tariff
Maximum Tariff Rate N/A
Maximum Tariff Rate Reference Description Not Applicable
Surcharge Identification Code Description
Rate Charged - (All locations) 0.02
Location 1
Location Name Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub
Location 111111111
Location Purpose Description Receipt Location
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 2
Location Name Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub
Location 111111111
Location Purpose Description Delivery Location
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 3
Location Name Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L
Location 421061
Location Purpose Description Receipt Location
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 4
Location Name Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L
Location 421061
Location Purpose Description Delivery Location
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 5
Location Name TETCO M1 30
Location 75578
Location Purpose Description Receipt Location
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Location 6
Location Name TETCO M1 30
Location 75578
Location Purpose Description Delivery Location
Location Zone
Contractual Quantity - Location 50,000
Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes
100,000 MDTQ, MDRQ and MDDQ effective 11/01/2026 through remainder of term.